
Téhéran 1978 : Marjane, huit ans, songe à l’avenir et se rêve en prophète sauvant le monde. Choyée par des parents modernes et cultivés, particulièrement liée à sa grand-mère, elle suit avec exaltation les évènements qui vont mener à la révolution et provoquer la chute du régime du Chah. Avec l’instauration de la République islamique débute le temps des «commissaires de la révolution» qui contrôlent tenues et comportements. Marjane qui doit porter le voile, se rêve désormais en révolutionnaire. Bientôt, la guerre contre l’Irak entraîne bombardements, privations, et disparitions de proches. La répression intérieure devient chaque jour plus sévère. Dans un contexte de plus en plus pénible, sa langue bien pendue et ses positions rebelles deviennent problématiques. Ses parents décident alors de l’envoyer en Autriche pour la protéger.

Durée : 95 min

Animation | Drame |

Sortie : 2007-06-27

Acteur(s) : Chiara Mastroianni , Danielle Darrieux , Catherine Deneuve , etc...

Réalisateur(s) : Vincent Paronnaud , Marjane Satrapi ,

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CinemaSerf =>

"Marji" is a young girl growing up in Iran just as the imperial Pahlavi regime is toppled and the birth of the Islamic republic proclaimed. Optimism is the order of the day, with everyone hoping the new government will represent new freedoms and liberties for all. Ha! Fat chance, as they say, and things start to become a bit dangerous for this honest and outspoken girl. To avert a familial disaster, her parents manage to get her studying in Vienna, but once there she finds herself immersed in a culture that is alien to her and one that doesn't live up to her (rather naive) expectations. Now she is truly rudderless - where does she belong? Where can she belong? The animation here is quite effective. It's basic, monochrome and at times it's slightly stop-motion style illustrates well the changing politics at home and her own attitudes as she matures and becomes less and less settled. It does cram a great deal in. We move through the decades at breakneck speed which at times disappoints. There are times when I would have liked to linger a bit longer with some aspects of her development, but it's still a lively and thought-provoking watch for much of the time and is well worth a watch.

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